Monday, April 30, 2012


Only good website can give a good adsense income.A lot of people try to build a good site which should give a permanent way of income from Google AdSense.But they don't know how to build website which should be search engine that it should easy to optimize.

Before take first step to build a website in your niche.You know very well that you are good in which thing.So that you can provide quality stuff to website visitor.Do a proper keyword research.Chose those keyword in your domain name which should be high traffic and low competition.Here you can make use of Google Adword   Free Traffic Estimator .

Once you think of keyword of your niche.Grab it from are other also like .

Now real work of site building start.Here is the challenge to your creativity.Now design a site in such a way that which suits to topic of website.If you don't have much knowledge of it,hire some one else.If you are really serious about adsense earning.Don't think about money which you have to pay now.You may take help yahoo site builder program. .But you have to submit the site after its completion.

Now its time to add soul to the body.Add some good quality content in to the site.Take a time for this,because this will decide the quality of your website.Do some SEO work.Now apply for google adsense.Wait till you get the approval.Once you get the approval add the google ad code to your site.Ad should be placed in such a way that it should look like a part of it.When some one click on it you get paid.Your earning from website started.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

To generate adSense money, don't buy E-book - Adsense Guide For U

"Copy this 12 line of code and generate 10000$ a month"

I purchase this course from Mr.XXX and in first 15 days I earned 400$ and it is increasing daily

When I first saw such advertisement on Internet.I was very excited,at that time I am very much new in the field of google AdSense.I think these people are master and they do some magic.When I do well research I got aware of their scam.

Don't get me wrong some E-book give very good literature about google AdSense.If you follow them really you can make good money.But it is not a nightmare task which some E-book promise.Some books promises that make something 30000$ in just 90 days.Just totally impossible.

No E-book about google AdSense can give you that much money.Its a output of your consistent hard work in right direction.If you follow the instruction of good E-book like "What Google Never Told You About Making Money With AdSense" - By Joel Comm

Such books of great AdSense earner can guide you to make good money.But your work is the primary potential.Don't spend your hard earned money on such false promising E-book.                    

Saturday, April 28, 2012

How to make your adsense earning at least 100$ a month - Adsense Guide For U

If you have a look at the stat data published,20% of blogger can't able to earn at least 100$ a month.Not because they are not working hard. In fact they are working much more than any other blogger whose income is more than 100$.I personally meet some Google AdSense publisher and discuss with them.I asked them about their daily plan about google adsense.Most of them say that we update our blog one or two time a week.And try to build back link.

That's not enough.They actually spend a 2 to 3 hrs daily.Where they spend their time?.Most of time they spend in reading some good website and e-book.They spend very less time in imlementing those ideas which they read.Theory and practical should be side by side.

If you follow the following steps which I explore from my experience you definitely generate at least 100$ pm :-

1). Blog Updating :- Search love those website which updated regularly at least 2 to 3 times a week.Don't post a scrap.Your posting should have a capacity to engage the readers.Search engine always visit your blog to have a site feed.If it getting a new content every time.It will give more importance to such blog as compare to which stay as it is in the ocean of Internet.

2). SEO/AdSense Forum :- As per the new algorithm of search engine.It give high ranking which are present on forum like AdSense chat forum,SEO forum.If it find your website in forum it push your rank up.But your link should be in a related forum.If your website is about AdSense earning and if your link is on racing car website then it is of no importance.

3). Article Submission :- To write a article on article forum is very useful to bring new visitor to you AdSense earning website.Here I will tell you unique way of search engine optimization.Post the same article from your blog to article submission site,in your blog article give a link directing to your article which you submitted in article site and do vice versa.This way you can really boost up your AdSense earning.

4). YOU TUBE Submission :- Don't try to copy anyone else video.Don't think about how I look?.Try to present your best.Because each and every person is unique in this world and so you and your video is also become unique.Submit the same video from your website and interlink them same way I explain in article submission.This increases your search engine ranking and help to get some more visitors which results in more AdSense earning.

Last but mot least submit your website in all major web directories,write a classified ad on free classified website and submit your link there also,do some email marketing.If possible publish weekly or monthly news letter.If you really do what explain up till now,it definitely give you more than 100$ (actually more than 1000$) per month.This is the real and genuine way to increase your AdSense earning.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


When any google AdSense publisher reaches the amount of 100$.He is thinking how to get his hard earned payment weather by check,which popular method all over the globe.Apart from this receiving AdSense money by check is not the only way.There are some other methods of payment which are very convenient and popular in their territory.

Up till now Google Adsense will issue pay 4 methods
1). Electronic Fund Transfer.
2).Western Union Quick Cash
3). Rapida Transfer Service.
                                                                     4). Check

1). Electronic Fund Transfer (ETF) :- This service is provided by Google in some European countries and United State of America.Here you receive payment within 3 to 4 working days.You have to submit your bank detail to Google and confirm your account by depositing a small money by Google.
But the major drawback of this service is that it is available only in developed European countries.

2). Western Union Quick Cash :- This service is also available in selected countries just like ETC.Here you have to collect payment from.Here you can collect payment from western union office.Conversion on that day will be applicable.

3). Rapida Transfer Service :- This method is only used in Russia.This is available in their post office.And because of its fast service it is extremely popular in their territory.

4). Check :- This is widely used all over the globe.This is so used not because it is very good form of payment transfer but it is available very easily.In India and Asia,this is the only method most of the people used.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Before proceeding further,its very important to know what is SEO CONSULTANT? and Why we need him?.Since every person first search in the search engine and then visit the website.People visit those website which they found on the first page of search engine.And obiviousely it hammers the online business.Sales decreases,Donation reduce,popularity decreases and a lot happen because of this SEO.Even though you are best in the offline world,but in this century of internet.It matters where your site comes for particular keyword.

But a person a who has Shoe company,don't know about SEO,its not his fault his work is not related to internet.To expand his business he must learn Internet and SEO.But he don't have time to that.So he hire someone else who know this.The person who is optimizing your website is SEO CONSULTANT.To work as a SEO Consultant,there is no professional training.If you know what they actually do then anyone can do this.But he should have sufficient time to do that.

Forums :- Since your website is related to adsense.Whatever you write is related to google adsense.While ranking any website,any search engine have algorithm.It search for back link.If your link is present in those forums which is related to your website.Search engine give high rank to those website.If link is inside another word then importance differ.1 link on related forums is equivalent to 10 link on other site.

Some forums accept article.They have very strict norms to accept the article.But SEO Consultant are export in writing good article.Thy post your website link in article forum.Again your rank boost up.They do this several times until your site rank high for particular keyword.
For this work they charge you some thing 200$.

Web Directory Submission :- Apart from article forum search engine also give important to web directories.If search engine find your site there with matching description to your keyword.Again importance of your website increases.

SEO Consultant ask to do following changes in your website :-

1). Submit sitemap of your website.
2). To change the html code (it should be search engine friendly)
3). Site authority.
4). There should not be any broken link.
5). Labels and tags should be related to keyword.
6). Proper keyword dencity.

And lot more if you have a time to do all these then there is no need of SEO CONSULTANT

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


If you ask a question to any SEO export,How to optimize you website? Each one have different answer.Each seo export has their unique strategy for website optimization
No one surely give you the key of SEO.It's not their mistake,but the algorithm of search engine is changed every now and then.Each search engine has different algorithm.Google have some different criteria as compare to Yahoo! and Bing.

Every search engine always give preference to unique article which is useful and not found in other website.

MY SEO PLAN :-  My plan of website optimization is same as the working of search engine.
I always follow the  search engine algorithm and as per that I decide my strategy  of search engine optimization and increase my Google adsense earning.
I present before you the working of major search engine.If you go through it carefully,you not only get my seo plan but you discover your own new strategy of seo.


  Google has their own way to decide the rank of your website   on search engine.It basically take reference from quality and quantity of incoming and outgoing links.

Google has awarding method to website.The scale is in between 0 to 10.Vote 10 is most desirable and 0 is the worst one.There is much difference between each vote like 1 to 2 and 2 to 3.There is a huge gap in between them.

Now webmaster aware that to get high page rank in search engine internal linking, back linking is playing a vital role.By this the business of link building come in existence.To overcome this,search engine again modify their algorithm.It give importance,if linking is from related type content.Link from content related content deficient website is of no importance.If you have higher vote then definitely you have higher page rank.

                                             HOW THE BING SEARCH ENGINE WORKS ????

Bing is a fastly developing search engine.And up to the certain extent giving  competition to Google.Some people will say it "Google killer".It makes 30% growth in the market of search engine.

If your website getting first page rank in Google then it is not compulsory that it will get same rank in Yahoo! and Bing.Bing is very good in image and video search,its presentation is better than Google.

                                             HOW YAHOO! SEARCH ENGINE  WORKS ????

It is the oldest and most popular search engine of its time.It was ruling the internet industry when google was in baby stage.Now Yahoo! is on no #3 after Google and YOU TUBE.

Since Yahoo! is powered by bing most of the seo export concentrate on bing not on yahoo.Yahoo! always give more importance to rich image and multimedia site.

Each SEO export and adsense account holder should also think of Yahoo! to increase his adsense earnings.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Don't Suffer From Adsense Fever - Adsense Guide For U

When join great revenue generating program.Each one has a lot of dreams about AdSense earning.But the reality is far away from imagination.
The person who earn very good money is Mr.Markus Frind.His earnings is in the range of 800,000$

to 900,000$ per month, and increasing.You also can earn that much.But your website should have that much potential.

Most of the people just interesting in opening their AdSense account and very eager to see how much they have earned on today.Some peoples do this 50 to 60 times a day.This is called as AdSense Fever.

Instead of wasting a time in doing all these useless things,AdSense account holder should concentrating on content of website.This is the only way of success.Don't run after AdSense money,money will definitely come to you account.By reading others website,forum you acquired a good knowledge and it will help you to write quality content.

Following are some realities regarding Google AdSense :-

1). 55% people are suffering from AdSense fever,they need treatment to recover from it.
2). Most of site have 0.65 CTR.
3). The average cost per click .40$.
4). Only 20% people are earning good money from AdSense.

Following are ways to increase your AdSense earning and recover from AdSense fever :-

1). Weekly one or two time open your AdSense account.
2). Don't get panic if visitors are less or there is no earnings.
3). Read articles from various forum to increase knowledge.
4). Work daily on google AdSense at least 1hr daily.
5). Try to write some good article by reading and referring others article.
6). Place ad in such a way they look like a part of your website.
7). Don't expect very much in a short span of 1 or 2 months."FIRST DESERVE AND THEN DESIRE".

Friday, April 13, 2012

8 ways to increase traffic to your adsense blog - Adsense Guide For U

To gain success in google AdSense,you have to try differently.You should one step ahead of your competitor.You have to do everything whatever the available resources to bring traffic to your website.Not only the available sources but you have to create such resources.

Following are very popular and effective ways to increase traffic to your website.Increase 3 times traffic in just 2 months :-

1). Social Networking Sites :- Facebook,Twitter,Linkedin,MySpace,Tagged,Orkut,mylife,Badoo etc. and lot more are available.One thing needed i.e. skill to attract visitor to your web page.Very easily you can do this if you have a capability to write quality content.

2). Write Guest article :- Here you have to write for someone else site.Its always good to submit your article in someone else site.By this popularity of your site increases and its easy to build back link.

3). Free Classified Ad :- The is one of the free,fast and effective source to make your website popular.Visitor will view you advertisement and visit you website.Most of the search engine also give high rank to classified.Finally its also a good way to build back link.

4). Traffic Exchange :- This is fastly emerging way to increase traffic to your website,by sharing link with some other website.Here both are benefited.Before exchanging a link with any site take care other site will also be equally popular as your site.

5). Pay-Per-Click Marketing :- This most effective but paid method of getting traffic to your website.Google AdWords,Yahoo Search Marketing,MSN Ad center are the methods of paid advertising.

6). E-mail marketing :- First create a good news letter.Send it to your friends.Go on collecting e-mails.Once you make a good database of emails.Send e-mail and invite them on your site.E-mail them new added content to your site.

7). Blogging :- Blogger is the product of google.It is very easy to update so search engine like it and reward by giving higher position search engine result.Some blogger are earning in lac by just blogging through google AdSense.

8). Article Submission :- Submit your article as it is in various forum and directories.Like SEO forum,Char forum,AdSense Forum.Once your article is accepted in forum.Search engine give higher rank in their result.

Above are the very effective if you have the skill to use it properly.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

How to bring Adsense traffic to your adsense blog -Adsense Guide For U

Once the power of google AdSense in uncover before you.You become very crazy to see the income which can be generated out of it.That earning money become inspiration for you and you work more and this more work gives you more money.

This for successful AdSense publisher,But what about those which are not in a position to earn because of any reason, most of the time reason is less effort and not aware of what exact to do.

Now Lets turn to blogger world.Initially you are not in a position to spend a single dime on google AdSense.You don't want to pay for hosting service,domain name service,marketing.For such BLOG is the best to start initially for google AdSense.Blogging is the free,fast,effective way to earn money from internet.It is very easy to set up and any one can start without having any technical knowledge.Any popular blogger can become a six figure earn in google AdSense.

Blog is the best place where you can interact with the visitor through their comments.And this is the way by which you can bring more traffic to you blog.When someone comments about you any article,always try to give some positive and constructive answer to visitor.Visitor read it and delighted,by this he will visit again and again.

As all of us know that back link is the bestbest way to increase traffic because it will increase your rank in search engine.Always give comment to other blogger which is related to your theme,post your website like their.If you can build a good relation with the other blogger then you do link exchange.Again it will give more traffic.

Friends,bringing traffic to you blog is not a task of 1 or 2 day.It require continuous effort.Keep on trying until you succeed!!!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

AdSense Guide to increase traffic to your website by classified ad - Adsense guide for u

A lot of methods to build traffic to your website.Each one has their favorite methods to build traffic to their website.But the most of the powerful sources are paid.To build a back link through any back link building site requires 10$ to 1000$,depend on the type of service they offered.

Classified ad is the free source of advertisement,here you don't need to spend a dime.Its absolutely free.Even though its free its a very effective.Search engine like google,yahoo,bing also list these classified ad.If any how you manage to see your advertisement on first page of google.Then traffic to your website increases tremendously.I am sharing my personal experience with you all readers.

How to write good advertisement to increase your AdSense earning its a skill.But it is not that much difficult.Say your domain name has world AdSense guide.And you have to bring traffic to your website by building back link.You have to choose very carefully choose the ad title.Following are the some example of good ad title :-

Domain name :- www.adsenseguideforu.blogspot,com
Best Ad Title :- Easy adsense guide,best AdSense guide,AdSense tutorials,Free AdSense guide,AdSense tutions for Indians etc.

Your ad title and its content should include main word of your domain name.In most of the website offers a facilities of posting a link to your website.That means you build a one back link at free of cost.And time require to it is hardly 5min.You should bring 10 back link to your website.Do it regularly and after 2 months see the result.Visitor to you site increase by 3 time and ultimately adsense money to your adsense account.

There are some very good website which provide you very good and effective classified ad service:-


Above are the few example classified site which gives opportunity to post ad of your website to attract visitor.for more such site search in google.You get thousands of such sites.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Easy methods to earn more from google adsense - Adsense Guide For U

Since from 2yrs I am writing about google adsense and still exploring new and easy technique to earn more from the money source google adsense.Most of the people say its very difficult to earn from google adsense,but I differ from those.Its very easy to earn good money from google adsense.

But condition apply friends,condition is that you should exactly know what exactly you have to extract more from google adsense.Following are some of the exclusive points to earn more from adsense :-

1). Good Domain Name :- Good Domain name means domain name which is having high popularity.Keyword which is very popular.Don't choose that domain name which is highly popular because competition for such keyword.Search a keyword which has average in popularity and low in competition.Then try to increase your search engine ranking.Since its not good to keep all the eggs in a one basket.Same way i will explain about search engine ranking in another article.

2). Quality Content :- If you have a quality content  then you are just stoppable.If you have writing habit since from childhood it will add advantage.If you don't have you can hire some one else to write quality content.(But you are not in a mood to spend since you haven't earned anything).
There are lot of website which gives you quality content at free of cost.There are certain rules which you have to follow.Read all those rules carefully.

3). Blog Update :- To rank high in search engine its very important to update your website every now and then.At least once a week.Search engine give high importance to those website which are updated regularly.

4). Link Exchange :- A lot of good website are offering good link exchange program.You can do it with your friends.If you know some blogger which is as popular as your blog.You can do link exchange program with that blogger.It will definitely increase visitor to your blog.

5). Back link Building :- Back link is the tool by which your rank in the search engine increases.At least post 2 to 3 link.

Above are the few technique by which its very easy to earn money from google adsense.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Good domain name to your site increases the chance of success in google adsense - Adsense Guide For U

Giving good name to your site is winning a half battle of Google AdSense.Good name does not meant that name which sound good but it should be popular keyword.Adsense Guide,Adsense secrete,online money,best adsense guide,ebay etc are the some of the popular keyword.Your effort is to take these keyword and use it in your domain name as it is.

If you can do this then its very easy to get organic  traffic (traffic coming from search engine).But you have to manage to come on first page of google,yahoo,msn etc search engine.Some times your favourate domain name is not available you can try different combination like .biz , .org etc.

First you should a buy a domain name from website like .Then hire a good hosting service from website like

There are some companies which keep good domain name with them.You can buy from them it will cost you from 20$ to 50000 $.

Friends once you get good domain name  and optimized it.If you can manage to come on first page of any major search engine.Then money from organic traffic flood your account by money.Do effort to grab good domain name. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

How to Avoid Invalid Clicks - Adsense Guide For U

Day by day AdSense is getting more and more popular.People are also earning good money.But this flow of earning good money may stop because of invalid click in your google adsense website.

In such situation people ask in a lot of discussion forum and social website.How to avoid invalid click ? I personally did a research and gather good information from google.There is Q and A release from google about invalid clicks.Following is the link.

Q & A about Invalid Clicks

Feel free to ask question about invalid clicks to google

Actually it is very difficult to control the user visiting to your website.There are a lot of reason to get invalid clicks to your website.And one of the reason is those website who provide a traffic to your website.They provide you a paid service.To give the result instead of giving good organic traffic they send artificial traffic.By this you get a traffic but that is not real.Google tracks such website having adsense account and suspend it.(We are not declaring the name of those website).

To know more about the invalid clicks :-

Invalid click Information

Save your adsense account from invalid clicks

Advanced guide to avoid invalid clicks

Stop Invalid Clicks

Save your account from invalid clicks

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