Friday, February 3, 2012


A lot of people earning lac of rupees from the program of google adsense.To find out whether it is scam or truth,its very important for us to go back a era.Its a time of 1990 when google come in existence in the form of search engine.It was not that much big search engine,its earning are very much less.This is not only with the google but also with the other search engine.No one search engine in online world is earning much.Day by popularity of google increases,but even though from income point of view it is not increase much.

In this period google launches their new revenue generating program called "Adwords".Here google take payment from website owner and allow them to put their advertisement on google.On right hand side of organic search whatever ad you see all  those are paid ad.Now their is drastic increment in the revenue of google.

As all of we know people never go beyond page number 5,6,7 so only those advertisers are benefited whose ad are on the 1st 3 to 4 pages.By keeping in mind this problem google launches its new program called Adsense.Here google put ads on others website.And the ad selected as per the content of website.Visitors of website found those ads intresting and click on them.Google shares the money of adword advertisement with the website owner.

So what is scam here.No there is no scam from google adsense side.But some people make bad use of it.How they make bad use of it :-
1). Give offer to people that they can give approval from google adsense to their website.Even people know about it they pay money because of increase in craze of google adsense.
2). To offer website to people which is optimized high in search engine.Why they are not making use of their website for them.Actually those website are useless.Their plan is to scam new adsense user.
3). Some people ask to pay money for sending visitor to their website.They assure you that they will send you more than 10000 visitors to your site and by that you can earn more 1000$ a month.They explain it in a proper manner.If they are that much export why they are offering good thing to other.Instead of that they should utilize their time to optimize their website only and increase their adsense money.
4). Some people form clickers network here they click on each others ad.It is the biggest adsense scam.One day google will find out these scam people and terminate their account from google.To form a network they make use of local news paper.

Google adsense is not scam but some people make use of adsense to scam other people.    


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